2 Apr 2011

The Imbalance

I like this word, when I think of it I do not see a static point, I always daydream remembering how people sometimes criticizes my jokes or how my life could be better or different.

Imbalance, I compare it as when I was trying to walk on over the wall on a rope or riding a bicycle.
But it is all about brain and life, body and how we are made, from bio to psyche.

Swaying from side to side, fixing the body, putting more attention on the directions, view on all points, and never, ever stopping.

Mistakes are the swaying angles of our life. They are not something wrong, but a process in the way to achieve the center.
The equilibrium dynamics and requires different setups, although some other sudden and others soft.
Another thing is the center. The balance does not tend to center but on the contrary, the equilibrium is the end of the struggle between tendencies, and I think that's what fascinates me Imbalance, which after all is the balance of peace in the midst of the struggle between the trends, a process to center. So the balance is actually a work of art in constant change.
But that happens in the center?
Well, in my opinion is the center is a very boring place. There is everything still. What we really like is the eternal game of seesaw seeking chaos in the middle of the old danger of the pendulum of bounds. What we really like is the dynamics of balance and fleeting pleasure of running through the center, but not never, never ever staying there.


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